Aeolian cooking is linked to historical and cultural aspects in the marine tradition. It’s very imaginative cooking, which is able to transform even the most basic products into marvellously delicious dishes. In every dish you can always find particular attention in the elaboration, that adds originality to every recipe.
The primary characteristic of the Aeolian gastronomy, is the wide use of natural local herbs, that enrich and enhance the particular flavours of the culinary recipes.
Flavours which are given by strong herbs like: oregano, rosemary, basil, garlic, wild fennel, mint, chilli pepper, baby tomatoes and obviously the main Aeolian herb, capers. In the Aeolian cuisine, fish takes primary place in the hierarchy of ingredients. The dishes which are linked with marine traditions, using local fish such as: sword fish, scorpion fish, cernia , squid, prawns, and lobster.
In all the dishes connected with fish one always tries to maintain the flavour of the sea, therefore very often fresh fish is grilled and served with “salmoriglio” (a sauce made from olive oil, fresh lemon juice, oregano and chilli pepper).
Sweets are also a highlight in the Aeolian cuisine, in the culinary tradition of our Archipelago. The main characteristic is the fact that sweets are created for particular festive occasions: at Christmas time “nacatule” and “spicchiteddi” are prepared and baked fresh(biscuits made from almonds), at Carneval time “giggi”, for Easter “cuddura”, for Saint Giuseppe “vastidduzzi”.
The primary ingredients used to make these delicious sweets are: almonds, currents, cooked wine, etc. A section which deserves it’s own particular attention is oenology, where liqueur wines win the prize for their excellence, both liqueurs and distilled wines.
The most famous of these is Malvasia of Salina, a sweet dessert wine considered one of the best in the world. In this section you can find links to some of the Aeolian recipes, prepared by the chefs of the famous restaurants Filippino and E’ Pulera.